About Us

We are now a well established LCL consolidated company in Shenzhen. We are follows the strategy of  Kaiyuan Ningbo, focusing on LCL consolidation business. We has now employed more than 50 staff who are operating more than 30 trade lanes LCL services. We are open her consol boxes in both Sinotrans Pingwu Warehouse and Jingyuda Warehouse, covering the services to all Central and South America, East coast and West coast of North America, Europe, Middle East, India and Parkistan, South East Asia ports.

In addition, through the close cooperation with Guangzhou, we can also build our consol boxes  from PRD to Hong Kong by feeder and crossing the border to Hong Kong by trucks for transshipment cargoes via Hong Kong.

We look forward to increasing more direct trade lanes and also developing inbound shipment to South China area from Hong Kong in future, striving our efforts to provide more choices and high quality services to our customers.

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